Alfresco HTML5 Image Editor (Edit Images Online)

There is no longer a need for expensive, external software to edit images. A fully functional image editor is now at your fingertips—edit image content directly in Alfresco and prepare to be amazed at the high-quality results.

This image editing software module allows for complex adjustments to be made from inside the Alfresco system that edit with quality and precision, right down to the image pixel. Alfresco SkyImage Editor by Skytizens gives companies the ability to enhance exposure, remove unwanted objects, retouch an image subject, and more. Rotate, crop, resize, frame, clone, and draw on your images too. We have taken the sophistication of the most popular external image editing software and packed it into your image repository to cut down on cost, software licensing issues, and employee training. Now everyone can edit quality images at their desk.

Smart enhancement tools are ready to fix poor lighting, digital noise, fuzziness, and other common problems with just a single click. Think Photoshop-but simplified for everyday users. The process might be simple, but the results are incredibly sharp. Thanks to SkyImage Editor there’s no need to choose between a powerful, do-it-all tool and a user-friendly interface. We’ve got it all, and it’s all in Alfresco!

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What is Alfresco Image Editor (SkyImage Editor)?

The Alfresco SkyImage Editor addon is a fully-functional image editing suite embedded in Alfresco. Whether you are looking for everyday edits or a total transformation with marketing-quality results, SkyImage Editor offers a complete set of professional image editing tools to adjust, crop, and retouch your company’s images. Play with color, effects, and more to turn a simple image into something special.

Why is SkyImage Editor so important?

  • Save money – no need for pricey image editing software with licensing limitations
  • Easy – Photo editing is tough; it requires patience and technical chops. With SkyImage Editor, you can edit a photo without technical savvy because the module is built into an interface you are familiar with
  • Powerful – this module goes far beyond the basics to support advanced image effects, filters, and color manipulation for high-quality results
  • Convenient – edit images directly in Alfresco 

The Benefits of Alfresco Image Editor

Skytizens developed the SkyImage Editor addon for Alfresco after clients demanded an embedded, fully internal image editing software that didn’t cut any corners. It is a true cloud image editor with a full range of editing options. This module replaces the need for expensive and external image editors, cutting down on huge costs and training requirements. This image editor is invaluable for companies with a retail aspect as employees will have access to retouching abilities at their fingertips.

How Does It Work?

SkyImage Editor is fully embedded, meaning the module appears as an option whenever a supported image file is opened in Preview Mode. In the upper-left part of the screen, users will see a button with a paintbrush and palette icon. Once pressed, the SkyImage Editor is activated and the full menu of image editing options appears in the menu toolbar as well as a selection of familiar visual icons next to the image.

This Alfresco image editing module works entirely in the cloud so users remain in the same digital “location” on their computer screen as where their images are being stored.

Far from a basic editor–we created the Alfresco SkyImage Editor to have a full range of capabilities, to function in your web browser from within the Alfresco Document Library, to avoid the hassle of navigating away from images while working on them, and to save directly back into the Document Library.

Main Features

Image Editing – Users who navigate to Alfresco Image Editing mode on a file will be show a common menu of image editing tools and options represented by a visual icons in the upper-left corner of the screen.

  1. Select Object tool – mouse arrow cursor
  2. Select Area tool – rectangular snapshot selection
  3. Transparency tool – magic wand
  4. Eraser
  5. Fill Color – paint bucket
  6. Color sample – eyedropper tool
  7. Drawing tool – pencil
  8. Draw Line tool
  9. Insert Text – tool for adding and adjusting text in the image by font, size, etc.
    • Text
    • Size
    • Color
    • Font Style
    • Font family
    • 3D size
    • 3D position
    • Shadow
    • Shadow Blur
    • Shadow Color
    • Fill Style
    • Stroke Size
  10. Draw Rectangle tool – creating regular shapes
  11. Draw Circle/Oval tool – creating simple shapes
  12. Brush drawing tool
  13. Blur tool
  14. Sharpen tool
  15. Burn/Dodge tool
  16. Desaturate tool
  17. Bulge/Pinch tool
  18. Clone tool
  19. Gradient tool
  20. Crop
  21. Colors
    • Select using visual color palette
    • Select using common HTML hex color code

Image Manipulation – Under the Image tab of the main toolbar of the module, users have a variety of image manipulation tools that affect the properties of the image file.

  1. Information
  2. Size
  3. Trim
  4. Crop
  5. Zoom
    • By percentage
    • By slider
  6. Resize
  7. Rotate
  8. Flip
  9. Color Correction
  10. Auto Adjust colors
  11. GrayScale
  12. Decrease Color Depth
  13. Negative
  14. Grid
  15. Histogram

Module Supports Layers – The Alfresco SkyImage Editor supports editing via layers much like Adobe PS.

  1. New
  2. Duplicate
  3. Show/Hide
  4. Crop Selection
  5. Delete
  6. Move
  7. Translate
  8. Opacity
  9. Rename
  10. Trim
  11. Resize
  12. Clear
  13. Differences Down
  14. Merge Down
  15. Flatten Image

Module Supports Effects – The module supports editing images using precise image editing effects.

  1. Black and White
  2. Blur
  3. Bulge/Pinch
  4. Colorize
  5. Denoise
  6. Desaturate
  7. Dither
  8. Dot Screen
  9. Edge
  10. Emboss
  11. Enrich
  12. Grains
  13. Heatmap
  14. JPG Compression
  15. Mosaic
  16. Oil
  17. Perspective
  18. Sepia
  19. Sharpen
  20. Solarize
  21. Tilt Shift
  22. Vignette
  23. Vibrance
  24. Vintage

Module Image Tools – Users have one final set of advanced editing tools to choose from.

  1. Borders
  2. Sprites
  3. Key-points
  4. Color to Alpha
  5. Color Zoom
  6. Replace Color
  7. Restore Alpha

Supported Files – The following image-related files saved in the Alfresco Document Library will automatically display the option to open the SkyImage Editor.

  1. image/bmp: .bmp
  2. image/jpeg: .jpg
  3. image/png: .png
  4. image/gif: gif

Supported Browsers – Because the module goes beyond basic functionality, it requires a relatively recent version of your internet browser to work correctly and does not function with lite browsers. The full list of browsers and versions supported is below.

  1. Internet Explorer 11: Version 11.1480.14393.0
  2. Microsoft Edge: Version 38.14393.1066.0
  3. Firefox: Version 54.0.1
  4. Google Chrome: Version 59.0.3071.115
  5. Safari
  6. Opera

 Permissions Control – Access to the SkyImage Editor is based on role.

  1. Role Access can be restricted by adjusting the user’s role in the Alfresco system.


There is no longer a need for expensive, external software to edit images. A fully functional image editor is now at your fingertips—edit image content directly in Alfresco and prepare to be amazed at the high-quality results.

This image editing software module allows for complex adjustments to be made from inside the Alfresco system that edit with quality and precision, right down to the image pixel. Alfresco SkyImage Editor by Skytizens gives companies the ability to enhance exposure, remove unwanted objects, retouch an image subject, and more. Rotate, crop, resize, frame, clone, and draw on your images too. We have taken the sophistication of the most popular external image editing software and packed it into your image repository to cut down on cost, software licensing issues, and employee training. Now everyone can edit quality images at their desk.

Smart enhancement tools are ready to fix poor lighting, digital noise, fuzziness, and other common problems with just a single click. Think Photoshop–but simplified for everyday users. The process might be simple, but the results are incredibly sharp. Thanks to SkyImage Editor there’s no need to choose between a powerful, do-it-all tool and a user-friendly interface. We’ve got it all, and it’s all in Alfresco!

Alfresco Version

Alfresco Component Type


Development Status

Extension Point


Installation Method

Addon Name

Alfresco Product

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