Alfresco Dashlets Restriction (Dashlets Access Control)

Avoid lost time on accidental rearrangements. Keep your dashboards sleek and practical.

The Alfresco Dashlet Restriction addon was developed by Skytizens to avoid companies losing time when users make mistakes in their system arrangement. Administrators can restrict dashlet access to only those features truly used by the company. Site managers can restrict dashlet access to only the important features of the work site. Employees can still customize their dashboards but without the nonessential or confusing options.

With the Dashlet Restriction addon, companies limit users’ focus on superfluous system arrangements and puts their focus back on the job at hand. This module is just another way to keep everybody’s eye on the ball.

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What is Dashlets Restriction?

The Dashlet Restriction addon for Alfresco gives administrators and site managers the ability to control the display of User dashlets and Site dashlets on Alfresco dashboards. The addon enables restriction based on users and user groups.

Why is Dashlets Restriction so important?

  • Keep employees focused – pare down user access to dashlets so they have all the essential work areas to do their job without unnecessary system architecture being visible
  • Avoid confusion – inexperienced users can’t accidentally delete or add dashlets
  • Customizable –allows administrators to customize user and site dashboards according to company-wide policy

The Benefits of Dashlets Restriction

Skytizens developed the Dashlet Restriction addon into Alfresco to avoid employee sensory overload and accidents in arranging the dashboard. Most users do not need to see the entire Alfresco system in order to do their job. They also don’t need to clutter up their dashboard with unused system features. With the Dashlet Restriction addon, administrators and site managers can work together to limit employee exposure to non-crucial features.

How Does It Work?

Dashlets Restriction is located in the Admin Tools menu. From here, system administrators can view a list of all dashlets available to appear on user dashboards. For each dashlet, administrators can set access by username or by user group, thus restricting this dashlet’s availability to only those selected users.

Site managers also have access to Dashlet Restriction on their site’s menu toolbar. From here, site mangers can see all dashlets available to this particular work site dashboard. For each dashlet, site managers can set access by username or by user group.

In Alfresco’s initial settings, all users have access to all dashlets within the system.

Main Features 

User Dashlets Restriction – Admin has ability to control the display of User Dashlet for their User Homepage from Admin Tools menu. Admin can manage which dashlets are visible in the entire system.

Site Dashlets Restriction – Site managers have the ability to control the display of Site Dashlets on the Site Dashboard from the site’s toolbar menu. Site managers can set who sees which dashlets by user and group.

Permissions Control – Access to the Dashlet Restriction feature is managed by Group and User. Site managers control permissions to their site dashboard while administrators can manage permission on both the Sites and the Home dashboard for all users.

  1. Group Access – Permission to see dashlets is given by designating members of a group.
  2. User Access – Permission to see dashlets is given by designating individual by username in the Alfresco system

Annotation – This feature allows administrators and site managers to control standard dashlets.


Avoid lost time on accidental rearrangements. Keep your dashboards sleek and practical.

The Alfresco Dashlet Restriction addon was developed by Skytizens to avoid companies losing time when users make mistakes in their system arrangement. Administrators can restrict dashlet access to only those features truly used by the company. Site managers can restrict dashlet access to only the important features of the work site. Employees can still customize their dashboards but without the nonessential or confusing options.

With the Dashlet Restriction addon, companies limit users’ focus on superfluous system arrangements and puts their focus back on the job at hand. This module is just another way to keep everybody’s eye on the ball.

Alfresco Version

Alfresco Component Type


Development Status

Extension Point

Installation Method

Addon Name

Alfresco Product

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