Document To Archive Lite (Documents Expiration Management)

Never forget document expiration, get the detailed list of documents that are approaching expiration.

The Archive Lite addon for Alfresco is a handy way to take care of document archiving and to keep time-sensitive documents organized. Archive Lite helps your company store important records in a secure location for regulation compliance.

The file manager list is a powerful feature of Archive Lite that gives your company the ability to track expiration dates and efficiently maintain up-to-date records for human resource documentation, legal paperwork, and more. Everything in your system with an expiration date is available for review at a glance. Never misplace an important record or overlook a lapsed contract again with Archive Lite.

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What is Archive Lite?

The Archive Lite addon handles file expiration and file archiving in Alfresco. Users can set expiration dates on time-sensitive documents and organize them by category. Users can view a list all documents to expire in the Alfresco system or export the list for reporting purposes. Archive Lite makes it easy to track documents by expiration date. Archive Lite cuts down on staff search time, keeps the Document Library clean and tidy, and makes it easy to manage time-sensitive documents in your company.

Archive Lite is the basic version of our addon. Additional features such as expiry notifications, regular archive reports by email, and advanced search capabilities are available in Archive Pro.

Why is Archive Lite so important?

  • Never miss an expiration date – set files to expire and auto-organize by date
  • Save time – quickly locate time-sensitive information
  • Organize – archiving is an important part of a company’s document organization strategy
  • Regulation adherence – maintain files in safe long-term storage for legal reference
  • Stay up-to-date – use the archive management tool about important renewal dates

The Benefits of Archive Lite

Skytizens has equipped Alfresco with the Archive Lite addon to provide an effortless way to keep track of time-sensitive information. The addon includes the powerful file manager list—a dynamic master list of all documents with an assigned expiration date. This makes it easy to handle licenses, contracts, leases, and any other document with a time limit or deadline. Archive Lite maintains a tidy document library while still adhering to legal regulations regarding document storage.

XYZ Shipping Company has 10 truck drivers who need commercial licenses. With an expired license, a driver can’t work and customers might face late shipments. With so many drivers renewing each calendar year, Archive Lite is used to set a file expiration date two months before each license expires. By checking the file manager list, HR sees that Driver Dan’s license will expire soon. Dan has two months to renew and provide his license to HR. The license will get scanned in with a new expiration alert and the old license will remain in archive for reference. Easy!

How Does It Work?

Users control Archive Lite functions from the Alfresco Document Library.

Archive Lite has three main functions:

  • Expire a File – this sets the expiration date for an active file but does not archive it
  • Archive a File – this moves the file to archive storage on the date specified
  • Manage Expired Files – use the file manager list to see all archival files in a single glance

Clients prepare Archive Lite to suit the needs of the company. You decide to archive files by type, department, importance, or any other category. All files that have been assigned an expiration date will appear in the file manager list.

Archive Lite is the perfect tool for contract management, leases, licensing, maintaining updated HR records, certification programs, and more.

Main Features

Setup File Expiration – Designate the lifecycle of a file.

  1. Validity date – Set the final date of the file’s validity. This date must be set for the same or before the Expiry Date.
  2. Expiry date – Set the date for the file to expire and get archived.
  3. Comment – Users can make notes about the reason for expiration or any follow-up action that needs to be taken.
  4. Expire a File – Leave the Auto Archive box unticked. The file will be expired on the date specified and remain in your Document Library. See how to identify expired files in the Visual Indicators section below.
  5. Archive a File – If the Auto Archive box is ticked, the file will move to the archive site at the End of Business (EOB) of the expiration date specified above. For dates in the past, the file will archive EOB on the day you set the date.
  6. Document Category – Designate the file category, which determines the archive storage folder.

Visual Indicators – Easily identify archival files in the Document Library list view.

  1. Archived files past the expiration date and Auto Archived will move from the user’s Document Library to archive storage. Archived files are not visible to users.
  2. Active files before the expiration date show an Archive Icon and Archive Category
  3. Expired files past the expiration date remain in Document Library with a yellow banner.

File Manager list – This is the epicenter of power for the Archive Lite addon. Users can view a detailed list of archive-related files by opening the file manager list under the Tools menu in Alfresco. This is a master list of all files with an assigned expiration date. The file manager list can be filtered by multiple classifiers.

  1. By Validity Date
  2. By Expiry Date
    • All – all files in the system that have been marked by Archive Lite with an expiration date
    • Expired in the PAST – files that have already expired
    • To Expire in the NEXT – files that will expire today or on a future date
  3. By Time – View files by time frame from 7 days up to 1 year
  4. By Category – Your company’s custom organization categories
  5. By File name – Use this blank field to search by word or partial name (i.e. PREVIEW, PRE)
  6. By Archive Status
    • All
    • Active Documents Only – files in the Document Library marked for expiration but not yet archived. Active documents include expired documents and documents with a future archive date.
    • Archived – any file already in storage

Export File Manager List – Pull the current file manager list of Expiring and Archived files by date.

  1. Export Anytime from the file manager menu; available in 2 formats.
    • Excel
    • HTML

Manually Archive a File – Users have the ability to archive expired files and active files before their expiration date directly from the file manager list.

Storage Location – Files are moved to an archive site on the client’s server, which is a special location to keep long-term documents secure.

Archive Organization – Skytizens allows an unlimited number of folders so users can truly customize their archive storage. Users designate archive folder names during setup. The custom folder names become the Document Category that a user sees when setting file expiration options.

Archive Retrieval – Archive Site Managers have access to the archive site. Site managers have the ability to invite other users to have access.

Permissions Control – Access to the Archive Lite feature is managed by Group and Role.

  1. Group Access – Permission to use the feature is given by the client’s administrator by designating members of a group.
  2. Role Access – Permission to use this feature on certain files is given by file managers based on role access in the Alfresco system.


Never get stuck on document lockout again. See who is working on the document that you need—now.

The Archive Lite addon for Alfresco is a handy way to take care of document archiving and to keep time-sensitive documents organized. Archive Lite helps your company store important records in a secure location for regulation compliance.

The file manager list is a powerful feature of Archive Lite that gives your company the ability to track expiration dates and efficiently maintain up-to-date records for human resource documentation, legal paperwork, and more. Everything in your system with an expiration date is available for review at a glance. Never misplace an important record or overlook a lapsed contract again with Archive Lite.

Alfresco Version

Alfresco Component Type

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Development Status

Extension Point


Installation Method

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